Examination & Promotion


Promotion are granted on the basis of the whole year's work of the student. Hence it is important to attend the parent-teachers meeting regulary


Regular class, unit, quarterly, half yearly and annual examinations are conducted. The average mark of these examination will be taken into consideration for promotion.


No re-test or re-examination will be conducted in any subject.


Under no circumstances an examination will be taken before or after the scheduled time.


A student may be exempted on medical ground from one periodical test. Appearing in annual examination is a must for promotion unless in case of grave ill health.


Student who use unfair means during the examination will not be awarded any mark for the subject. Repetition of the same may result in dismissal.


Student who fail twice in the same class will not be allowed to continue in the school.


Examination answer sheets will be kept in the school for only two months after the declaration of the results.


Parents are required to go through the report card and return it within three days of its receipt duly signed.


If the report card is lost student will be charged Rs.100/- for the duplicate.