Absence and Leave

Absence and Leave


No leave of absence is granted except on previous written application from parents/guardians that too only for serious reasons. The leave request must be made through a leave note. Provision for leaves upto 3 days in the diary.


Students who remain at home for study when the examination are approaching are warned against this bad habit. They will be responsible for their loss of marks.


The absence of a student from school for a valid reason will be counted up to a maximum period of one month only.


Should a child be absent on grounds of ill-health, medical certificates should be submitted along with the parent application for sick leave.


No child who is ill should be sent to school until he/she recovers fully or else he/she may have to be sent home at the discretion of the school authorities. After the sick leave is taken Medical fitness Certificates is to be produced to the school, at the time of rejoining the school.


Should there be any infectious disease in your hme please report the fact to the principal at once and do not sent your child to class till the danger of infection has passed.