Nursery Terminal Examination Time Table for Classes PREP-Ist     | 

  • St. Gianelli Convent School, Nagpur
  • St. Gianelli Convent School, Nagpur
  • St. Gianelli Convent School, Nagpur
  • St. Gianelli Convent School, Nagpur
  • St. Gianelli Convent School, Nagpur


Dear parents and students.

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to St. mary’s convent school, Kaural, website. The purpose of this webpage is to provide parents, students and our school community with easy access to a wealth of information on our St, Mary’s convent school programme, policies and activities. Our primary goal is to help all children achieve their dreams and find success is pursuing life goal. We are unconditionally committed to providing the best possible educational program to our children. We often say today’s children are tomorrow future. Hence it is our responsibility to give them the most for a better and healthier tomorrow which can be achieved by connecting with our children. A child is like a bud who require a lot of care nourishment to bloom in beautiful healthy flower in future lille wise, the child doesn’t only need a good education but a fulfilment of many elevation that are not associated with academics also the child’s holistic development

St. Mary's Convent School
St. Mary's Convent School
St. Mary's Convent

About School

St. Mary's Convent School, Kaural in the District of Amroha, was established in 2020 by the catholic Diocese of Meerut.
The institution is owned by the Catholic Diocese of Meerut (C.D.M.) and is registered under the Societies Act of 21, 1860 and is named after St. Mary. Presently it is run by the Nav Jyoti Eduction Society, Meerut, Which is a registered Society under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 bearing the Registration No.525 dated 30/04/1993.
The institution is a Minority Institution in accordance of Article 29 and 30 of the indian Constitution, and it is a charitable institution.

St. Mary's Convent Inter College


Fr. Mark Lobo.

Manager's Message

You are privileged to be a member of this big family ‘St.Mary’s Convent School, Kaural. While you should feel PROUD to be a student of this school, you should also contribute your share in making this Alma Mater of yours, achieve more and more greatness and success. Your share in designing this institution plays a significant role both in the present and in the future. You should be proud of this school, its traditions rules and regulations, uniform and the people who work for you and with you, they have the wisdom and the insight to turn your dreams into a reality. Where ever you may be and whatever you may be in the future, hold high the ideals that the school is trying to place before you and live by them. Take care not to do anything may tarnish your good name and the name of the school that has made you to a great extent what you are. Above all remain grateful to this Temple of learning and the Architect of your life.

St. Mary's Convent Inter College

Class Nursery

St. Mary


St. Mary


St. Mary


Class 1st

St. Mary


St. Mary


Happy Birthday

St. Mary

Class / Date of birth

St. Mary

Class / Date of birth